Trailside Community Action Program (TCAP)
TCAP Programs
Legend Treks specializes in three countries, Mali, Morocco, and Peru. Each country has its own special appeal to the trekker who is seeking out destinations full of challenge, mystery, beautiful scenery, friendly citizens and rich cultural traditions. Legend Treks has found that each of these countries and their cultures are blessed with all of the above. In addition, Legend Treks has identified in each of these countries opportunities for meaningful, tangible community assistance projects. We have placed these projects under our "Trailside Community Action Program", or TCAP. Within each country, on every trek, you will have opportunities to view, first-hand, action projects which are helping people groups improve the quality of their lives. On most treks you will have time set aside for hands-on participation in some aspect of an action project.
We have received letters and photos from parents of each of the nine children who received Legend Treks scholarships for 2010 through the Mali Scholarship Project. Read the letters.
All projects will be found on our web site. You will be able to continuously stay updated on the progress of a project as it progresses towards a defined goal. You will see pictures depicting the setting and the people involved in the project. If you identify a project which captures your interest and imagination, you can contribute supporting funds, at any time and in any amount. You will have peace of mind, knowing that 100% of your donation will be directed to that project. All three countries have needs in common. At the top of this list you will find the need for safe, sanitary living conditions, accessible community based medical care, clean water and quality, affordable education for children. If we focused only on that list we would have enough action opportunities to last several lifetimes. In other words, there is no shortage of opportunities, There is only a shortage of funds and a shortage of people who have the passion for helping, not caring who gets the credit. If we in the Legend Treks family are not committed to the this portion of our mission, then we are just another tour company. Join us on the trek.